
Knee Operations and Procedures


Phase 6

Return To Sport Phase – Month 6 – 9 And Beyond

Aim phase 6 rehab
The aim of this phase is to progress sport training and to develop strength and endurance levels to allow return to full sporting activity. This takes time, especially in building up confidence to progress to full contact activities. Return to contact sport is not recommended until strength and functional outcomes are measured at greater than 85% of the normal knee. It should be remembered that the time to regain pre-injury level of skill and performance is very variable but can take 3 – 4 months of training and playing. This confidence can be helped by introducing modified training and specific drills early, often in conjunction with club or team activities. Progress is best achieved in conjunction with a general fitness programme, as this will have reduced over time since the injury and surgery. Full contact sport is, in general, best avoided until able to tolerate a full ­training session with confidence in full fitness and endurance.

The full rehabilitation document outlines the principles of getting back to the same level of sport and draws on the knowledge gained by understanding the possible mechanisms for injuring the ligament in the first place.

Contact: 01926 772 731